It would seem that what I initially thought could have been semi-scandalous and involved star-crossed lovers running away together, was probably more likely that her father was at his sister’s deathbed and sent the brother Jacob in his stead to sign her marriage application.
More Dark Stewart Deaths
I have written before about the tragic trail of suicides in the Stewart side of my family HERE and again HERE. I wasn’t prepared for the surprise I found on Ancestry this past month regarding a sister & brother of
Boys! Boys! Boys!
Awhile ago I wrote about the story in my husband’s family about their one great grandfather being “sold” at the Ohio State Fair to a farmer down near the southern Ohio border. Turns out, that this very thing, however unbelievable and far
Dark Secrets, Part 2
If you read my very first post here talking about Uncovering Dark Secrets in Your Family Tree, I ended it with “to be continued” and I finally received the paperwork I was waiting for to finish my sorrowful tale of my
Uncovering Dark Secrets in Your Family Trees

Sometimes there are dark things in your family tree that aren’t talked about – things that when you stumble upon them positively blow you away. Such a thing happened to me about a month ago when I was meandering down