I had to giggle this week at Grandma Rose talking about what a “mangled mess” gooseneck roots were. Not really knowing what a “gooseneck” was, I had to Google it. Come to find out, it’s an invasive plant! No wonder
1977 Diary of Rose Jones – Week 37
Wow – Grandma Rose’s spelling this week about made my eyes bleed in some places! I don’t know if she was in a super hurry this week or what, but it was particularly bad compared to most weeks. I had
1977 Diary of Rose Jones – Week 36
AHH! I think I’ve found where Grandma Rose gets some of her Thought for the Day quotes! I was perusing the newspaper today looking for a picture relating to the parade she mentions this week but at the bottom of
1977 Diary of Rose Jones – Week 35
Pretty slow week for Grandma Rose but I’m struck by her migraine headache and am wondering if that’s where my mom and I get our terrible headaches from. I remember my mom used to have to go to the hospital
1977 Diary of Rose Jones – Week 34
Grandma Rose never fails to entertain and educate me – usually on plants but today she taught me a new phrase I’d never heard before. “Stoved up.” Have you heard it before? It essentially means that you’re “bruised up, crippled