Most weeks, I can parse out what Grandma Rose has written. After a while of doing transcription, you get a “feel” for the person’s handwriting and it gets easier when you read it week after week but there are some
1977 Diary of Rose Jones – Week 29
As I’m writing this, it’s July 16th and currently 93° at my house here in New York, just as it was in 1977 at Grandma Rose’s. This week’s forecast here looks almost identical to hers in 1977. I had to
1977 Diary of Rose Jones – Week 28
Grandma Rose had two days of excitement this week in 1977 – a neighbor’s family drama and then frightful weather! Of course, she gardened… how ever did you guess? I was noting how much chicken noodles she makes and I
1977 Diary of Rose Jones – Week 27
I was really surprised this week that there was no mention of the 4th of July celebration in Ashville – gathering at Grandpa Archie’s for the parade, spending the day together eating, the kids going to the Ashville park for
1977 Diary of Rose Jones – Week 26
I couldn’t find Grandma’s reference to Doc Hosler in the paper… I thought 50 years of practice would be noted somewhere but it wasn’t unfortunately. Not even a mention of when he retired as I thought that would be noted,