Christmas is, of course, a time filled with family, traditions, and food. Both sides of my family was all about big gatherings and huge meals. For my mom’s side of the family, this has always included my grandma Clara Lou
Family Easter Traditions
With Easter right around the corner, my Facebook feed the other day, had this meme come across asking if we remembered dressing up for Easter in little coats and shiny shoes? Sure do! It made me think back to one
Cardinals and Candies
It’s been said that when you see a cardinal, it means that a loved one that has passed is visiting you. Recently, I’ve been thinking quite a bit about my grandparents Glenn Archer & Clara Lou Peters Stewart for some reason.
Civil War Hardtack Ration
I’ve wrote before about my grandfather Jesse Archer and that his obituary mentions how during the Civil War, he stole from mule feed bags on pain of harsh punishment to supplement his severely reduced daily ration. After watching this guy