Most weeks, I can parse out what Grandma Rose has written. After a while of doing transcription, you get a “feel” for the person’s handwriting and it gets easier when you read it week after week but there are some
1977 Diary of Rose Jones – Week 29
As I’m writing this, it’s July 16th and currently 93° at my house here in New York, just as it was in 1977 at Grandma Rose’s. This week’s forecast here looks almost identical to hers in 1977. I had to
1977 Diary of Rose Jones – Week 28
Grandma Rose had two days of excitement this week in 1977 – a neighbor’s family drama and then frightful weather! Of course, she gardened… how ever did you guess? I was noting how much chicken noodles she makes and I
1977 Diary of Rose Jones – Week 26
I couldn’t find Grandma’s reference to Doc Hosler in the paper… I thought 50 years of practice would be noted somewhere but it wasn’t unfortunately. Not even a mention of when he retired as I thought that would be noted,
1977 Diary of Rose Jones – Week 24
As a historian, I’m always curious about things that pop up in Grandma Rose’s journal and this week she mentions an American Maid electric iron. Today irons are so cheap we just replace them if a cord goes bad –