I had been having sharp, stabbing pains in my right lung area under my breast bone on an off for a few months. It was so intense, it actually took my breath away and I’d have to speak in small,
Family Wedding – Day 5 of #30DayFHWChallenge
The prompt for day 5 of the #30DayFHWChallenge is to select your favorite family photo, and write about the moments just before and/or after the photo was taken. Why was it taken? Was your ancestor happy to be in it?
New Obituary for Clara Lou – Day 4 Family History Writing Challenge
Day 4 of the #30DayFHWChallenge is to write an obituary for an ancestor. Be sure to include information about any surviving ancestors, the deceased’s occupation, and his age at death. My grandma, Clara Lou Peters Stewart, died in September of
Dear Esther – Family History Writing Challenge Day 1
As part of the #30DayFHWChallenge, I am writing this letter to my second great-grandmother who was murdered in 1914 by her husband, William, before he shot himself as well. I’ve written about Esther and William’s sad story before and the
Cardinals and Candies
It’s been said that when you see a cardinal, it means that a loved one that has passed is visiting you. Recently, I’ve been thinking quite a bit about my grandparents Glenn Archer & Clara Lou Peters Stewart for some reason.