It would seem that what I initially thought could have been semi-scandalous and involved star-crossed lovers running away together, was probably more likely that her father was at his sister’s deathbed and sent the brother Jacob in his stead to sign her marriage application.
The Scars of Our Ancestor’s DNA
I read a super interesting article this week called “Grandma’s Experiences Leave a Mark on Your Genes” by Dan Hurley of Discover magazine and in the article, it talks about how our ancestor’s experiences, both positive and negative, have made
A Little Advice, Please
I need some advice from long time genealogists out there with an exceptionally “odd” set of circumstances that I’m investigating and I’ve hit a weird roadblock and have no idea where to proceed from here. We all have strange tales
Dark Secrets, Part 2
If you read my very first post here talking about Uncovering Dark Secrets in Your Family Tree, I ended it with “to be continued” and I finally received the paperwork I was waiting for to finish my sorrowful tale of my
Little Local Discoveries
I’ve mentioned it before that in my part of NY, near West Point, is just chock full of colonial history. There are tons of little plaques, monuments, parks, museums and such surrounding my area. They’re so prevalent in my area