I’ve been very excited for these entries because it is one of the first memories I have.  I was watching t.v. when the power went out and was scared because it was dark.  Being 4, I don’t remember much else aside from playing in the snow and there being A LOT of it.  Reading Grandma Rose’s entries though gives me a different perspective, an adult perspective of those events and the panic that came with no electricity/heat, frozen pipes, and a phone you can’t use to call for help.  Thank goodness she was canning and had lots of food in storage – that poor cat, though, being outside!  Later on, I remember living out in Amanda and being snowbound, mom boiling water on the wood stove and popping corn in the fireplace, and dad going out in his big black truck to pull people out of the ditches when he could – much like what is described here in grandma’s journal. I’m with Ethel – don’t think I want to relive those days.

NOTE:  As always, I left her spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as much as possible.

_____  WEEK 3  _____

January 15, 1978 – Got up 9:00 A.M.  Fed cat and picked up papers, etc. before breakfast. While Len dressed after we ate – I swept the kitchen and rug, Living room hall and bed room. Took bath and washed my hair.

Put roast in hot pot at 10:45 for supper. Len peeled potatoes & carrots for supper while I took an hour or so nap.

Snowed in the night last night and some today, tho’ the sun was shining.  Didn’t go out of the house all day today, just set the cat’s food out the door – Guess I’m getting lazy.

Thought for today: “Good health is a very special prized possession. It must not be taken for granted.”

8° low
16° @ 10:00 AM

[Second entry in new journal]  Low 8° A.M.  W – 15 MPH

It’s a white white world. Usual Sunday. Bath, little sweeping, lunch.

Valentine girls had a ball most of the afternoon with the two (bladeless) mowers on the ice and snow covered road. Made numerous trips up and down the road, sometimes lining up, then racing. Looked for them to slip and upset on the darn things but they didn’t – I gave up watching and took my nap.

Thought today: “The important thing is not who you are or where you’ve been, but more important is what you are and where you are going.” – Anonymous


January 16, 1978  –  Mary had surgery this P.M.  Got up 9:00.  10°  Another inch of snow on porch when I went out to feed “Pusskit” and to get basket from garage to sort clothes for washing. Paths all filled in again. So more sweeping to do.

Weather monitor said 10° @ 9:00 AM. I didn’t think mail main would go on account of the holiday (M. Luther King day) so didn’t mail my letters. He went so had to catch him on his return.

Meant to do some sewing but watched Hubert Humphrey’s funeral instead on T.V.  Ethel called as we were finishing supper. Said Mary had had surgery and Dr. said she came thru the operation beautifully and would be in intensive care for at least two days. Dr. told Elwood he’d better scoot for home, for there was three new inches of snow on the ground, and more coming but he said he was staying until he could see Mary, in intensive care. Sure hope he make it home okay. I know how he feels. Called Bill after Ethel called. Talked to myrtle. She said they were glad Mary came thru her operation okay. Also, they have 8″ of snow in Cincinnati – more coming.  Sent letter to Mom H. and Pearl. Card to Mary.

{snow added}  Col 2″ today  Cinn 4″ today
Low 4°   Hi 19°

[Second entry in new journal]  St. Paul, Minn  3:o0 P.M to 4!  Herbert Humphrey being buried today. 11° below zero and people are standing in line before Pres -House of Hope church. People were at the church since 7:00 oclock this morning to get seats. 3,000 – (I’m assuming she meant the number of people in attendance?)

Calvin W Didier Pastor of Home of Hope church. Robert Merrill sang Ave maria. Congregation: “A mighty fortress is our God.” Rabbi Max Shapiro sermon. Mrs. Humphrey dressed in light coat – her daughter dark coat – son on other side. Tom Tipton soloist (colored) Baptist church sang “He’ll understand and say well done.” Sabathani Baptist church choir – Dr Robert Schuler, Calif speaker. Garden Grove Church. Robert Merrill sang Lord’s Prayer.

No Herald tonight.  4°   20° Hi


January 17, 1978 –  (P.M.)  Cleared snow from around mailbox. Had to dig out cat. Barrel covered.

Got up 9:00 AM  to another blustery morning. The snow had quit last night. Wasn’t snowing at midnight.
10 oclock 22°
5″ or 6″ inches
more of snow on ground – 10″ now all told and still snowing. Swept a path to the cat barrel but he wasn’t in there. 12″ snow in Col.  Plow went thru about 9:30 P.M.  More snow thrown in our driveway – Oh well, we’re not going anyplace anyway.

Called Naomi this evening. Al been having a cold the past few days. Otherwise they’re okay. The driveway is completely closed in today. Waded in snow up over my knees getting to the mail box today. Drifts too deep to get to the green house today. Good it isn’t too windy, or it would be worse.

Winds 15-25 MPH
Lo 19°  –  Hi 23°
19° Jan 17 – 1977

[Second entry in new journal]  *Mrs. Millers son wrote she died in Nov.

Had to dig my way to Pusskits barrel and dig away the snow for him. Made my way to mailbox this morning, Put on my 10 toed socks and boots. Snow up over boots and knees. Had to use my walking stick and lean over to pull my feet out of the drifts.

Got sad letter in mail. My little Mrs. Miller from Columbus passed away Nov. 7, 1977. She was such a sweet little lady I met at the Fashion. Enjoyed her so much and she meant so much to me. I’ll always cherish her memory; her special effort to see me when she came in the store. Several times she brot me bouquets of Roses. They were sweet, like me, she always said. She brightened my days.

Arch called this evening wondered how we were, and to check on Mary.

-21° below
No Herald tonight.


January 18, 1978 –  Got up 9:00 AM  After breakfast, fed cat. Got into my back brace and shoveled a walk to the garage. Drug through a 2½ wide knee deep drift before I could get the door open. Came in and rested for twenty minutes; then shoveled a path to the mail box – not completely, but took enough now out of the way, so the snow wouldn’t be more than boot top deep so I can get out there easier in the morning.

Just before lunch I shoveled path to the greenhouse and checked the greenhouse. Nothing too badly in need of watering today. 50° in there.

Low 13° above
Hi 25° above
More snow coming. -8° below last yr. 3° hi

[Second entry in new journal]  1 foot snow on ground.  Got up 9:00  Had to shovel through a big snow drift to get to the garage door. Evergreens limbs are so loaded, they are laying on the ground.

Ethel called early this morning. Frank was up to see Mary last night and she was in “poor” condition. Didn’t seem to be responding as Drs. had hoped. Betty was up today and said Mary was some better, and Drs seemed to think she was out of danger; she is still getting oxygen and intravenous feedings. Next couple days will tell.

Send birthday card to Ol.’ Jan. 22nd.  (Olive)

Baked two loaves banana bread just before supper. Len mashed bananas and rolled the nuts for me and did up all the dishes today. Got three Heralds this evening.


January 19, 1978 – Got up 9:00 AM.  Hasn’t snowed any more. Mailed letters after breakfast – Olives birthday card, and Telephone. Fed cat and swept snow out of his path.

Worked on my blouse some this forenoon. After lunch, Len peeled potatoes while I watched my “soaps.” Then I froze 2 quarts of potatoes. Had chicken dinner for supper tonight. Len did up the dishes today. Had plenty of plastic containers and jars. I cleaned out the reefer this afternoon.

Finished the pink blouse while we listened to Pres. Carters State of the Union message. Didn’t hear from Ethel today about Mary – So guess she is getting along better.

[Second entry in new journal]  11:10 P.M.  Snow swirling outdoors again and the big snow drift I’d dug out yesterday has filled in again. Now I’ll have a time getting to the mailbox tomorrow. Cat didn’t come to eat tonight, so guess he must be snow bound some place –

15° Low  24° Hi

Went back to greenhouse this evening, and almost walked over a cute little bunny rabbit huddled in the snow – Packed some snow down and put out some bird seed on the ever greens for the birds. The sparrows really had a ball this afternoon. Was a joy to watch them eat. Saw a beautiful red bird in the olive tree today, but he didn’t come to eat.


January 20, 1978 –  17″ snow on ground today,  8″ last night    Got up 8:40 Still snowing. Record snow fall for Jan is 27.1 inches other largest snow fall for Jan was in 1918 – 24.4′  Couldn’t get to the mail box this morning. Two huge drifts in the driveway.  8″ since last night, 17″ now on the ground.  28° at 11:00 AM

The two tall arborvitae limbs are so laden with snow, the branches are lying on the snow drifts below. Cat barrel is completely covered, and snow up to the North greenhouse window. Snow on low section of greenhouse is up to the second section of the window. I can’t even get thru the passage way to the greenhouse because they drift below the laden branches of the tree. Ethels flowering almond is half

[Continued in to new journal]  covered with snow drifts. Breezeway all blocked.

Don’t know where the cat slept last night for his house was completely covered in a 1½ foot snow drift. Went out this evening at 5:00 and dug out his barrel and dug out a hole and put it in a new place; put in another old drape to make it warmer.

Len and I made gallon and a half of vegetable soup. Will freeze enough for a few meals. Some one on a tractor cleaned off Armstrong this morning – County scraper finally came and cleared off Mowery this afternoon. Threw most of it into our drive way. About 3 feet high.

18°  11:15 P.M.
We got Bill beat.
17″ Col. snow
14″ Cinn snow
Lo 18°
Hi 27°
1918  -10° below
No news from Ethel tonight about Mary.


January 21, 1978 –  Got up 9:00  Pusskit waiting on the porch for me to feed him – After breakfast I shoveled my way to the garage and got enough meat, bread, etc. from freezer to last us a few days. Then dug my way thru the breezeway to the greenhouse. The limbs of the arborvitae were weighted down to within 1½  ft of the snow drift. Dug out some of the drift then crawled on all fours to get underneath the limb to get through. Snow came off the tree, my knees were covered from crawling in the snow. I felt like a polar bear.

The greenhouse was okay – Brought in more potatoes. Called Ethel. She says Mary is coming home Mon, 23rd. Her condition was so poor on Tues (Day after operation) we were very worried. Ethel said the oxygen

[Continued in to new journal]  and intravenous was removed Thursday (19th). Elwood missed going to see Mary yesterday on account of the snow but he went today in spite of getting stuck getting out of his drive. Has a cold from being out so much. Tired out, too.

At 5:00 we saw the paper boy go, so went out to get the papers (Fri + Sat) Shoveled as I went; just to get enough snow out of the way so I wouldn’t go in over my boot tops.

Called Bill at 9:30 this evening to let him know about Mary. They’re okay. Bill still digging snow. Len and I cleaned house today. Sewing room was a mess.

22″ snow in Portsmouth, Oh
22″ snow in Buffalo, NY
15° Lo  22 Hi°
14° at 11:20 PM
13° lo  20° hi in 1977
17″ of snow on ground now.

_____  WEEK 4  _____

January 22, 1978 –  Got up 10:00  Was tired from digging yesterday and cleaning the house.  Low -7°  Port Col, -6°  Cinn

After breakfast put my two loaves of rye bread to rise. Running low on rye in the freezer. Frank came over for half and hour after lunch. Kenny came over and shoveled out a path through the driveway and to the gas tanks for us. Wouldn’t take any pay, so gave the kids a pint of our popcorn.  22° at 5:10

Real nice outside and very calm. Went out and took some pictures of the snow piles. Emptied my compost material under the Red Osier Dogwood so the birds could eat it. Put bird seed on the evergreen again. Mixed with nuts. Froze the sourdough I’d made –

[Continued in to new journal]  Had banquet turkey and giblet gravy – Potatoes and beets for supper. Beautiful sun nearly all day and it was a delightful sight, after all the gloomy snowy days.

Low 3°  Hi 17°
2° at 11:10 P.M.


January 23, 1978 –  Got up 9:30  Well, the snow is still here and looks like it will be for a while – Cat was ready to eat – Guess the cold makes him hungry. After breakfast, stripped and changed the bed.

Took some more pictures of the snow drifts, and the trailer. Watched soaps after lunch. While Len did up the few dishes, I checked the oil – We have 27″ in tank yet.

Made Lens favorite chocolate tapioca for dessert tonight. Had leftovers for supper.


January 24, 1978 – Got up 6:00 A.M. but went back to bed ’til 9:00. When I got up to stay, I was so stiff, I could hardly move and had a slight headache. After breakfast, fed “Pusskit”. Put Lens undershirts to soak again. Meant to do a washing, but couldn’t seem to get going.

Mailed birthday cards to David H, Sr. ($1), Timothy H ($1), Jill ($3) – Sent Mary a nice get well card and a note. Went for the mail at 11:00. Got letter from Pearl Armstrong, written by a social worker at the Center.

Went on over to Al and Naomi’s for about half an hour. Hadn’t been over to see them since the big snow. Good to get out for a while and talk to them. Al said he’d get some groceries for us when he went to Circleville to get his hair cut. We’re supposed to get some more rain and freezing. May get snow.

[Second entry in new journal]  Wasn’t anything decent on T.V. tonight, so I washed my hair and took a bath after supper. Put some more dish towels to soak.

Finished letting out Lens wool everyday pants while I watched my “soaps” this afternoon.

Rained for quite a while this evening and the walks got rather slippery – Snow melted some today, and you could hear the icicles dropping off the roof of the trailer. Raining real hard at 11:10 P.m.  If this keeps up there may be flooding.

15° below 1969
Hi 66°

Low 7°
Hi 35°
35°  11:30 P.M.


January 25, 1978 –  35° at 10:00 AM  Got up 8:45  Fed cat – Got stamps from mail man.  Len started the wash about 10:30, after we’d had oats, toast, and coffee for breakfast. What a wash! Mailman didn’t go until almost 11:30 –

Rained all night last night and all forenoon. Finished washing about 12:30. Len cleaned up washer after lunch. While I watched soaps, I worked ripping one of my new flannel shirts so I can make it larger. Sewed button on a blouse I’ve been neglecting for months. Hung up several pair of P.Js in the bathroom and the sheets, shorts, dish towels, and pillow cases in the garage.

Got a letter from Ethel today and she said Betty got Mary home safe on Tues (23rd) from Drs North. Marys leg was bothering her some where Drs had taken the vein from her leg to use for the bypass.

[Second entry in new journal]  Blizzard Warning (circled)  Betty said Mary had to hold her head and posture erect and it would be some time before she could talk to her on the phone. And I complained to myself this morning because my back felt so weak, my joints ached and I felt as though my boots were too heavy for me to carry one more step.

Made some good potato soup hamburger and a swell tossed salad with bean sprouts for supper tonight.

Low 34°   11:15 P.M.
Hi 41°

Blizzard warning out for tonight. 1-3″ of snow expected tonight and 4″ more tomorrow.


January 26, 1978 –  Blizzard!  Dear God, what a blizzard! Kenny came over and pounded on our door about 9:00 I guess. Trailer so noisy, you couldn’t hear anything. He went on over to Hanes, but couldn’t raise anyone so he came back over here. We have the oven on and its 56° in here. Len has on his thermal undershirt, flannel shirt, sweater, cool bathrobe, and a stocking cap. I have on my long P.Js + top – fleece lined sweat shirt with hood, and my heavy bath robe, two prs. socks. Kept busy picking up, and doing a few dishes.

Two boys came over here after pounding on Hanes door, getting no answer, they were stuck on Armstrong, and had walked nearly half a mile, and were half frozen. Got them hot coffee and hot potato soup. They helped themselves to my cigarettes, then when they left

[Continued in to new journal]  one of them took them with him. Gratitude, no doubt. Ha!  Ken took them to their truck, I guess. He was gone for quite a while. Winds are terrible. Sounds like the roof is coming off.

3:00  5°

Rosie must have called three times. We can’t get any calls out; but calls come in. Been 56° in here most of the day with oven on.

Got up 8:30  I guess the phone was ringing. It was Rosie wondering how we were. The electric went off at 2:30 A.M. so got up and put on the feather comforter. All that kept us from turning to cold stone. Winds beyond 58 M.P.H.  30 gusting.

Ethel called, said they were still in bed, trying to keep warm. Winds to keep up all afternoon and tonight.


January 27, 1978 –  Got up at 10:00 A.M.  Rosie had called about 7:00 A.M. still worrying about us freezing to death.  9° Col  9° airport

Don’t know how cold it got in the house last night, but water was frozen in the toilet bowl. Three or 4″ in a bucket was solid, icicles formed where water dripped from the faucets. Lit oven so Len could get dressed. I put on the knee length panties Rosie had given me in addition to what I had on yesterday.

Didn’t think I’d ever get to sleep last night. Just got warm under the feathers when the phone rang. Donna called – wondering about us, and Hanes, and Valentines. Just got warmed up again; phone rang. Al Hanes called. They are at his niece’s home on Mocassin Run. Okay – out of the feathers again half an hr. later – Wrong number – Warm again – phone. This time it was Robert Dick. Arch had

[Continued in to new journal]  been trying to call me all eve. Told him to have Arch call Rosie. Ken came over about 11:00 AM. They’ve been at Franks, staying in the basement with an oil heater. Ran out of oil and he was trying to find some. Borrowed our big can. Thank God, they’ve been alright.

Winds have diminished some but still gusting to agove 46 mph. Checked my canned goods, nothing seems to have any ice in it – yet. Arch called this evening, finally got through to make sure we were still okay.

Ethel called too, said Don came and made them go over there, Thurs PM.  Dons two phones kept up constantly by people in trouble. Debbie was out with Don most of the night. Wagnalls Memorial was filled and overflowed into the library. A baby was born at Wagnalls during the blizzard. Ethel said it was one night she’d like to forget.

To keep warm this afternoon, I saw in Lens chair win the sun, wrapped in the big green wool blanket and worked button hole stitching around the edges. Been needing to be fixed for a year now. Some of Lens crewel yarn came in handy. Never have I been so cold and no chance of getting warm after a while.


January 28, 1978 –  10° @ 10:00 AM.  Ed got me out of bed this morning, wanted to know if we were okay. He was going to Tarlton after water, and he would get us some for drinking if we needed it. We are well supplied with water, food, and everything. Thought I may as well stay up and turn on the oven. It was 18° on the living room thermostat. Ice had frozen in the bucket in the bath tub again. Toilet was unfrozen this morning. The Zerex I put in last night did the trick. Should have thought of it Thurs night.  21°  @ 12:00 noon.

Furnace came on about 11:20 AM What a wonderful sound. We put our arms around each other and cried – me most of all. Len had more control than I. Sad when the radio told of the people who died opening roads and taking food to stranded people in homes.

[Continued in to new journal]  Also the ones who lost heat in their homes and died trying to get to “neighbors.” Hanes got back into their house today about 2:00 P.M.  We ahve water in the bathtub faucet but toilet mechanics snapped. Ed is trying to fix that – he went to Tarlton. Roads are worse than yesterday. Ed said toilet fixed – now.  Ye Gads we got busted pipes. Running like mad. Got a 5 gal bucket, yellow bucket, and one jug now for future use.

Finally got a hold of Rosie – Rather talked to Kim. Maybe Rosies mind at east about us. Headache this evening. Aftermath of the blizzard and broken water pipes ahead. We got enough water tonight for the toilet, in spite of the pushing of the water underneath the trailer.

1978 Diary of Rose Jones – Weeks 3 & 4
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