The author with aforementioned bread bag covers on her shoes! Winter of 1977 in Ashville, Ohio.  (click to enlarge)

Welcome back to a new year with my Grandma Rose Jones Stewart Hochmuth!  Thank you to my cousins Kim and Robin for sending me her journal for 1978 to continue exploring grandma’s journey.  I was 4 years old in 1978, so this journal will be fun to go through for me because some of my earliest memories are from this year, particularly the snowstorm in January.  (This is also the earliest photographic evidence that I have that my mother actually DID put bread bags on my feet to keep them dry!)

As noted at the beginning of the journal, her daughter, Rosie, bought her this new one for Christmas.  But despite having a new one that starts on January 1st, 1978, she continued journaling in the old 1977 one until February 19th (which is the last space available) while concurrently also writing in the new 1978 one starting on January 12, so it gets a bit jumpy and bounces around.  I’ll include both entries so we get a whole picture of her day.

Also, since I did not start the year off on January 1st and I took some time off for a mental health holiday post-graduation, I’m going to play catch up and do two weeks at a time until we’ve caught up with her journal and then I’ll likely revert to weekly entries… maybe.  Probably.  We’ll see!

Anyway, follow me as we start 1978 with Grandma Rose.  As I did last time, I try not to read ahead but I did flip through quickly and there looks to be significantly MORE writing per entry so I’m hopeful we’ll have a lot more substance than just the weather report.


NOTE:  As always, I left her spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as much as possible.


(There is a note for December 6, 1977 in the new journal front that says Bill sent Birthday Card – “Sis, we’ve reached the age when we finally know our way around and now we’re too tired to go.”)

January 1, 1978 – Got up 9:30  Fed cat – washed hair & took a bath before Len got up. Too tired to take a bath last night. After breakfast, made apple Bisquick coffee cake and two loaves of banana nut bread.

Pained most of last night and this forenoon. Change to snow and the wind became much stronger. 20 to 36 mph, 36° this afternoon.

Helped Len write out his monthly checks. Got one in the wrong envelope. Will have to be more careful in the future. Checked greenhouse heater about 5:30. The old one still going. Keeping our fingers crossed & hoping it doesn’t go out too. Brought new one only Nov 12. $17.88.


January 2, 1978 – Got up 9:20  Fed cat – Snowed more in the night and porch and Pusskit were all covered with snow. Had to sweep off porch.  Squeezed and froze 1 pt. orange juice and 1 pt. grapefruit juice. Ran sweeper in kitchen and room before we had breakfast.

2:30 watched The Doctors. Finished ripping apart blouse that Lori gave me last Christmas. Checked greenhouse and brot in more oranges and grapefruit from greenhouse.

Fixed nice casserole of turkey, rice & cream of chicken soup for supper. Crocheted another coat hanger while watching T.V. after supper dishes were done. Winds died down this evening.

Low 12°  Hi 27°
Winds W 5 to 10
19°  1:15 P.M.

Wrote to Susan and birthday cards to Mark and Amy Hochmuth. Wrote to Lisa.


January 3, 1978 – 11° last night. Got up 8:30  Stamped the letters for mailing – 10 all told. Worked on blouse after breakfast. Watched soaps after lunch. Cooked, peeled, and froze two whipped cream containers of potatoes. 

Did Len’s eye. Looks good. Still looks dotted with small specks like cornmeal. Mary went into the hopital today – Doctor’s North.

Greenhouse door froze shut today so couldn’t get in. Had meatloaf and potatoes and carrots for supper.

12° airport
high 28°


January 4, 1978 – 19° this A.M.  Got up 8:45  Fed cat – had toast and coffee for breakfast. Got collar put on the blouse in forenoon.

Did Len’s eye 12:15. Still pretty red but he doesn’t complain about it so much now. Watched “soaps” then made vanilla tapioca for dessert tonight.  Finally got in the greenhouse today to water some flowers and get more potatoes and grapefruit.

Ethel called this evening – said Mary had her EKG and was to have an angiogram tomorrow before Dr. decided on the bypass operation.

“Pusskit” didn’t come home tonight to eat.


January 5, 1978 – Got up 9:00 Put on coffee water. “Pusskit” not home yet. Worked in garage for an hour after breakfast. Took down old big box where we cured potatoes, put it against the wall and put wagons and gas cans in the wagons against the wall. Swept up half of the garage.

Took box of leaves and put on lily bed up front of the trailer. Watched “soaps.” Crawled under trailer and checked heat tape. Water gets very hot in the water line under the trailer. Sure hard on the back, getting through the door. Be stiff tomorrow.

Len’s eye looks better yet today, and he can see as well without his glasses as with them. Side bothering me some this evening. Must have eaten too much.

Low 33°  Hi 39°
Snowed like mad today 1½


January 6, 1978 – Got up 9:00  Put on coffee water and fed “Pusskit.” He finally got done catting around. After cleaned up my lid cupboard and shelves where I keep flour. Took out the old box where I kept skillets and put in a basket to hold potatoes. It’s cool in there and they should keep well. (In case the greenhouse heater goes off.)  Mailed letter to Ethel.

Re-arranged most of the cupboards in kitchen. After lunch, watched “soaps” then took nap from 3:10 to 4:15. Had nagging headache today, nearly all day.

Ethel didn’t call, so there is no news about Mary today. Hopefully I’ll hear something tomorrow – something good. Made 5 dish towels from Rosie’s sacks she brought last summer.

Heat tape making water boiling hot. [noted at top of column]

Today 32°  low  35 hi°
11:15 PM  38
Winds calm


January 7, 1978 – Got up 9:00  Coffee water ready and cat fed. Catching up on my books. Soon as we had breakfast, started on the house – where does all the dust come from? Got house all cleaned over, all mirrors and furnace filters cleaned.

Made rice pudding from scratch while Len peeled potatoes for hash for supper. While hash baked, I checked greenhouse and got in the Herald. Cat didn’t come for supper again this evening.  Ethel called 7:40. Mary’s angiogram showed she does need surgery for the blockage. Will have surgery Monday or Tuesday. Ethel will let me know.

Did Lens eye 12:15 P.M. Looks real good today. Had small thunderstorm this evening little after six.

34° low  46° hi  47°  11:15 P.M.
1° below ’77 this day.

_____  WEEK 2  _____

January 8, 1978  – Got up 10:10 Pusskit was waiting on the porch hungry. After feeding him and eating our breakfast, washed my hair. Rained all night last night and all of the snow was gone this morning.

Rained all day – turned to snow and started to freeze about 4:00 P.M when I went to check the greenhouse heater. Made four more dishtowels this afternoon. Called Naomi this afternoon to see how they were. Been looking for her to come over, but she never has. Snow blowing badly and getting deeper. Worried about Elwood getting home.


Thought for today: “Democracy is not a static thing. It is an everlasting March.” – Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt  1882-1945


January 9, 1978 –  9:00 AM  7°  Got up 9:30  Water line frozen.  The snow blew last night, sheets of never ceasing snow floating in shimmer waves. Cat was all covered with snow and porch was full. Shoveled a path to garage and part way to the greenhouse – Knee deep and the wind biting cold. Driveway blocked. No mail either. Armstrong [Road] completely snowed over toward Riffels, and we haven’t seen but one car all day. A Jeep – Like a white world surrounding us.

Called Bill to let him know Mary was to have surgery at 8:00 in the morning.

Wind chill factor – 45 below
3° Col
0° airport
Lo 21° – Hi 36°
4° in 1976


January 10, 1978 – Up at 8:30  1° below airport  3° below town  Chill factor -43°

Wind blowing hard again – snow almost blown off the driveway. Did two buckets of hand washing today. Ethel called – Mary didn’t have her surgery. Had her prepped and ready but she had a cold & temperature and her BP was up so her Dr wouldn’t operate. Put her in a private room for a few days until she gets over her cold and get her BP down.

Donna, Ed, and boys showed up and scraped Armstrong Rd. open from their place past ours and on up to the corner by Hanes. Before Ed got the corner done, the Big Snow blower come thru. Snow blew from the chute to the windows and all over the yard.

Low 3°  Hi 7°
4° at 11:15

A sight to see.  Made a big batch of brownies today while getting supper.


January 11, 1978 – 7°  10:00 AM today.  Got up 8:30 – Got letter and some pictures off to Bill & Myrtle and wrote a note to Arch – Wrote Get Well card to Mary. Shoveled a path thru remaining drifts in driveway on way to mailbox. Fed cat – and waited for Len to get up. After breakfast, visited with Naomi for half an hour or more.

Did Len’s eye after lunch. Watched “soaps.” Road real slick but Al & Naomi went to Tarlton and got us a few things while they were there. He said roads were pretty bad & slick.

After supper, I called Kenny after I saw Linda come home. He said Roads had been sanded, so they weren’t at all bad. Sander came right after Al and Naomi got home.

7:45 PM  14° Hot water line broken loose in bathroom.  Been frozen for 2 days. Bill called this evening wondering about Mary.

Low 4°  hi 16°
4° below  8° hi last year this day

“Pusskit” didn’t come to supper.


January 12, 1978 – Len’s doctor appt 2:00 P.M.  Got up 8:30  Mailed letter to Rosie – Got heater from garage to take back to Murphy’s. Also Ethel’s Heralds. Ethel called to check on roads – Had lunch early. Ef & Ralph came shortly after noon.

Went to bank and Murphy’s to take back heater. On to Dr. then Big Bear to do some shopping. Had soup and cheese and crackers and wedge of lettuce with Green Goddess dressing.

Cat came home to eat. Must be keeping under the trailer instead of the warm bed I fixed for him in the big garbage can by the greenhouse.

Ef had no news from Mary, but said Pearl was fine. Travel advisories this eve. 20° and 3 more inches snow expected tonight – Yuk! 

Len’s eye good 20-50 vision and he’ll get his glasses in 4 weeks. Wrote card to Pearl this evening. Had awful headache and back of neck. Another light attack in pelvic region. From walking in the snow?

[Second entry in new journal]  7°  9:00   Good thing we got to the doctor for Lens eye and to the grocery today for we are having more snow falling – up to 3 or 4 more inches, Joe Holbrook says. Went out after the paper about 9:00 PM, and it was coming down pretty good.

Thought for today: In one way death is not an enemy of Life but a friend because it limits our years and therefore makes them more precious. – Joshua Liebman

Low 2°  Hi 20°
To be low in teens


January 13, 1978 – 11″ on ground 1976  Got up 9:30  Fed cat & swept off porch.  10:00 A.M.  20° and still snowing. Woke up with headache again. Got a good one while shopping yesterday, but my Florisol seemed to kill it but had trouble getting to sleep last night – Legs and hips ached and couldn’t seem to relax.

Senator [Hubert] Humphrey in a coma at his home. Family with him. Took weak to be moved to a hospital. He has sure put up a good fight.

Last year, 14 below, 24 at midnight, 11″ snow on ground.

Low 18°  Hi 25° Today
11:15 PM  22°

Len did supper dishes last night. He says I can sure use more tools than anyone he ever saw.

[Second entry in new journal]  Got up 9:00  Still snowing and can’t even see where I made a path Wednesday. Cleaned out both room towel cupboard (on wall) and put away all extra cans of powder and hospital body lotion so I could find what I really need for daily use.

Worked 1½ hrs on another coat hanger and gathered all of the empty hangers. Checked the greenhouse this afternoon after “soaps” and brought in more potatoes. Reopened the path to garage and greenhouse. They were loaded with snow from last night and all day today.

Lo 18°  Hi 25°


January 14, 1978 – Got up 9:30  Cat waiting to be fed – had to sweep off porch and clear paths again. Didn’t do too much after we had breakfast. Too late.

After lunch, Len made icing and got nuts ready while I stirred up a double batch of apple sauce squares. He did up the mixing bowls etc. for me.

While I swept path to greenhouse and took a bucket of yuk to the compost pile, checked greenhouse (50° in there.) Made tour of yard around trailer, to make sure apron door hadn’t come loose in the wind. Good feeling when things are going well for a change.

Thought for today: “The art of living lies less in eliminating our troubles than in growing with them.” – Bernard Baruch, American businessman and Statesman  1870-1965

[Second entry in new journal]  Con’t from 1977 book  Went out to see if we had any mail this evening, and took a good look around – Everything so beautiful and white. Since Ken took the dividing fence down this past summer the entire corner looks better.  The evergreens and bushes around the trailer and garage are weighted down with snow – made a beautiful picture – I just stood there, the fine mist of snow swirling against my face. I didn’t feel the cold at all; just seeing all the trackless white against the hills.

Valentine girls had the mower out pulling their sled around in the yard, giggling and having fun – wondered if I wanted to take a ride. Nice to be young and energetic – Am I envious?  Yeah!

Hi 26°  Low 17°

1978 Diary of Rose Jones – Weeks 1 & 2
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