Poor Len – already having a surgery this year on his foot, he’s back again for one on his eye this week in 1977. Grandma Rose’s journal mentions which hospital he was actually in this time so I went down a rabbit hole about the Medical Center Hospital, now known as Adena Regional Medical Center in Chillicothe. There is a neat little informative video here on YouTube where you can see the history of the hospital and you can actually see what the room would have looked like, including the chair where Grandma Rose would have “snoozed.” So it’s kind of neat to watch if you have the time. There was also a little spread here in the Chillicothe Gazette with lots of photos about the building itself.
NOTE: As always, I left her spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as much as possible.
December 3, 1977 – Woke with sick headache. Got up 8:30. Fed cat – after breakfast partially packed Lens overnight bag. Mailed letters and cleaned bathroom mirrors, etc.
Went over to take cat food to Hanes for her to feed “Pusskit” while were gone. Really enjoy talking to the Hanes. Took Naomi a container of apple sauce and a cherry tree. Cut Lens hair about 3:00 P.M.
Suppose to snow up to 3″ tonight maybe with freezing rain. I sure hope not. Mailed letter to Bill and Myrtle today.
Thought for today: “Take your job seriously but not yourself.” – Anonymous
December 4, 1977 – Len went to Hospital 1st eye surgery (written at top) Len goes to Ross Co Medical for eye surgery – Goes in between 1 + 2. Ef and Ralph picked us up about 1:00. Got to the hospital at 1:45 – Waited in room til Len got settled. Nurse took him to lab for blood test then on for chest X Ray. Nurse took blood pressure and he filled out forms – Stayed until 4:00
R, E + I stopped at Hecks and did some drug shopping. Xmas cards – Then on to Blue Drummer Steak House – Ef + Ralph had chopped steaks, salad, macaroni salad, french fries and coffee – I had rib eye steak, french fries, salad, coffee and apple pie. Tried to watch T.V. but couldn’t stay awake – went to bed at 10:30.
“Behind bad luck comes good luck.” – a gypsy saying.
December 5, 1977 – Got up 7:00 Had breakfast. Roads icy this morning so we left about 8:00 Stopped at the bank and got our checks cashed – Got eleven $5.00 bills and envelopes for Xmas money for the family –
We got to the hospital about 10 or so. Len had gone to surgery little after 8:00. Got back to his room about 11:30. He wanted a cigarette before he was even half awake. Did not even give him one for a couple hours so he slept during that time. He roused and ate a few spoons of soup broth.
Nurse gave him a shot for pain about 2:45 – when we left at 3:30 he seemed comfortable, tho’ drowsy again. I’d taken an hr snooze in the chair while he slept.
December 6, 1977 – Got up 9:00 Effie didn’t call me when they got up. Ralph had already gone to work and Ethel was lying on the bed for her after breakfast nap.
I did some sewing for her this afternoon while I watched my soaps. Fixed facing on her green pant suit jacket and sewed buttons on better. Ef baked a nice apple pie for my birthday, and gave me card with a kitten on it. After chicken supper, we watched some T.V. while Ralph was at work. I fixed cap of her hair dryer. Ralph got home fairly late – must have been nearly 10:00 P.M. – Weather terrible. Ralph _ Don very busy due to the snow, ice, and drifting.
Rosie called in eve. to wish me Happy B’Day. Went to bed 11:30 – 10° above then.
December 7, 1977 – Len got home from Hospital 1st eye surgery (written at top) Got up 7:00 Awfully cold and snowy. Official reading 3° above – Radio and T.V. says roads icy. Left home about 9:00 A.M. to go get Len from Medical Center after calling him to tell him we were on our way. Got home about noon – Armstrong Road was ice and snow covered. Was glad when we were at Ro Len Hill – The Hanes’ had a path swept for us, porch cleaned off too.
Ethel called about 1:15 Said they got home okay. We stopped at Jones’ on the way home. Good to be home and watched my “soaps” in my own chair again, much as I love it at Efs.
Thought for today: “Happiness is like potato salad. When you share it with others, it’s a picnic.” – Anonymous
December 8, 1977 – Got up 9:00 Fed cat – spread salt on Porch and steps. Checked green house after prying open frozen door – After lunch I peeled potatoes and carrots and fried hamburgers – Made 1½ gal of vegetable soup.
Dressed Lens eye. Bandage clean. Watched soaps then piddled around. Couldn’t get myself into any sewing. Seems a waste to drag things out for an hour or so. Just laze around and swipe up some dust. Days are boring when I can’t get out doors.
December 9, 1977 – Got up 8:45 Fed cat and got Len up at 9:30. Had breakfast – Mailed Christmas cards and $2.00 (ea) to Al and Ruth. Made bed for “Pusskit” in one of the trash barrels – laid on its side and put in leaves and an old rug.
Dressed in Lens eye about noon. Had some clear seepage on bandage. Did some hand washing after my “soaps.” Froze two containers soup before supper.
Fixed tunnel for bathroom closet – Len and I fixed trouble light for closet to keep pipes from freezing (We hope.)
Ken V over to see if I’d baby sit. Sorry I couldn’t.
Chill factor -31° below
windy all day
Low -2° hi 32°
1° below 11:15 P.M
chill factor -25° below