Grandma Rose with one of her grass plumes in the fall of 1978. Thanks to Robin for sharing this photo!

This week in 1977, Grandma is still in “winterization” mode but she notes two things I had to go look up this week as I had *no* idea what they were.  First, on October 12th, she mentions a Frau Druschi, a term I’d never heard of before so I had to go Googling that.  Turns out, it’s this lovely, soft white tea rose which is actually called Frau Karl Drushi but can be known also by the Snow Queen.  You can see it here if you’re curious.  It’s really lovely and I think since I have roses for Grandma Clara Lou, I might see about adding this one to my front rose bed too for Grandma Rose.

She also mentions this week taking “Dr. Chin’s Talwin” when she gets a headache.  I hadn’t heard of this one either but Dr. Google tells me Talwin is an opioid pain reliever and a pretty strong one at that.  It can cause hallucinations, delusions, nightmares, etc.  It’s still around today but it doesn’t seem like it’s used as much with all the new generations of pain relievers we have now.

Also, this week she mentions grass plumes and Robin sent me some photos this week and one of those grass plumes is pictured, so I’m using it for my photo this week. (Granted it was from the fall of 1978 but we’re only a year off… close enough!) I didn’t have time to tweak it in Photoshop really to try and adjust the colors but there’s only so much you can do with these old grainy photos to begin with.


NOTE:  As always, I left her spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as much as possible.


October 8, 1977 – Got up 9:00  Raiding – Did some sorting in the garage – nails, screws, washers, etc.  Ed and boys came about 9:30 to pick up our trash. After breakfast, started on the bedroom closet – Cleaned shelves, walls, painted the ceiling (yellow, like bed room ceiling). Ran sweeper in bed room. Got things back into closet by 5:00 P.M.  After supper Len did the dishes while I gave my filthy self a bath.


October 9, 1977 – Got up 8:00 A.M.  Fed cat – Before Len got up, I carried half a dozen potted plants from the garage to green house. Didn’t do much else. Took a nap in the afternoon.

Got things ready to go to Dr. tomorrow. Washed my hair and took a bath.

Thought for today: Only in growth, reform, and change, is true security to be found. – Anne Morrow Lindberg


October 10, 1977 – Appt. Dr. Gassin  Got up 7:30  Fed cat and got ready to go to Dr. Gassins for appt.  Ethel and Ralph got here about 9:00  Appt 10:15  Impression made for teeth.

Ate lunch at Viking Dairy Bar. Good fish dinner. Stopped at Jim’s Pay and Save for paint and furnace nozzle. Stopped at drug store, got pictures & buffered aspirin. On to Sentry for sweeper belt. Linsdey bakery – rolls, do-nuts and rye bread.

Ethel took glass cans I’ve been saving for her recycling.

Thought for today – “A conservative is a man who just sits and thinks, mostly thinks.” – President Woodrow Wilson, 1856-1924


October 11, 1977 – Got up 8:30  Fed cat and carried pans and crap from breezeway. Cleaned off the table I had for flowers this summer into the green house to accommodate some of the bigger flowers.

After my “soaps,” I cleaned shelf under the vanity – washed walls and the three shelves, polished floor underneath and cleaned vanity and mirror. Washed a little woodwork – got through thru just in time for supper.

Got in last of the nicer green tomatoes. Keep talking about frost. Mums are beautiful this fall – Hate to see the freeze get them. Plume grass pretty, but not like last fall. Thinner.


October 12, 1977 – Got up 8:30  Fed cat and got paint into the trailer to warm up for painting porch if it warms up to 58° outside.

Cold! After we ate, got into back brace, cut off two rose bushes in front and Frau Druschi in front of trailer flower bed. Dug out one in flower bed next to the mail box –

Nailed boards on bottom of green house (east) and South west side. Left opening for cat for winter. Cut hostas in front flower bed and load up so Len could fix up opening in front. Took bird bath to back shed for the winter.  Len and I put black under porch on patio so water won’t stand on porch this winter. Emptied cart of rose bushes and old flowers –


October 13, 1977 – Got up 8:25  After breakfast, Len and I took out screens and put in west storm windows in living room, sewing rooms and bed room. Changed couch to east wall, chair & what not cabinet to west wall.

Made big pot of burger vegetable soup. Took nap for an hr. 3 to 4 P.M.  Lori called. Said she’d be down tomorrow.

Developed sick headache this afternoon. Between the eyes and back of neck. Took two of Dr. Chins Talwin and went to bed at 11:00.

Thought for today: “I like a man who grins when he fights.” – Sir Winston Churchill, 1874-1975


October 14, 1977 – Got up 8:15  Ged cat first thing. Got flour & ingredients in order for apple sauce squares and banana tea bread. Baked squares while we ate breakfast, then baked two small loaves of banana bread.  Len did up all dishes – mixing bowls, etc.

Lori got here about 12:30 – Had ham & cheese sandwiches with tomatoes, lettuce. Had a nice couple hours visit – showed Lori pictures and green house. Gave her two flowers (pots) and a bouquet of mums and grass plumes.

Froze three topping containers soup and the two banana loaves this eve. Took nap from 4 to 5:00 P.M.  Sick headache. Len got an appointment with Dr. Parek for Nov 3 – 2:30 P.M.


1977 Diary of Rose Jones – Week 41
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