AHH! I think I’ve found where Grandma Rose gets some of her Thought for the Day quotes! I was perusing the newspaper today looking for a picture relating to the parade she mentions this week but at the bottom of one of the pages, was this advert for “A Thought for Today” from the First National Bank! HAH! It has to be! Next time I have one of her quotes of the day come up, I’m going to match it to the newspaper now that I have a hint of where to look. How funny that I’d been curious where she was pulling them from and I just randomly stumble upon a newspaper page today where it was.
It’s a slow week for Grandma… I thought perhaps we’d see Archie come for Labor Day for lunch or something but no. She’s also sick again with another headache, the poor thing. I’m telling you, I need a time machine to introduce her to some Imitrex.
NOTE: As always, I left her spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as much as possible.
September 3, 1977 – Got up 8:00 Tired, but potted up two more hedge for Frank. Cut off more starts of begonias and put in water. Sent letter to Mom Hochmuth and David.
Tried to sleep in the afternoon but lower abdomen burned – Couldn’t sleep much. Len ran sweeper for we’d tracked in quite a bit of dirt from garden.
September 4, 1977 – Got up 9:00 Messed about in breezeway flower bed. Burned 4 or 5 bags of trash. Emptied cart and wagon of weeds from potato patch – Got sick headache about noon.
Kimmy came – hated to be so dopey but could hardly stay up while she was here. So glad to see her. Spent two hours trying to sleep. Felt better. Len & I sat on bench in back for an hour this evening.
September 5, 1977 – Got up 9:00 Feeling some better, the back hurting like fury. Didn’t do much today – Spent part of afternoon in garage after listening to “soaps.”
Cooked chicken and made noodles in A.M. Looked for Rosie [to come] down. Kim said she might come but she didn’t.
Len got all his boards piled up. Johnny Isles got the old tires from Lens old Ford. Rosie called in evening.
September 6, 1977 – Got up 8:00 Cut off more starts from begonia & periwinkle before breakfast. Put some towels and dish cloths to soak. After “soaps” & lunch, Len went to garage. I picked a bucket of tomatoes and dug a bucket of potatoes.
Before supper Len and I went out and dug a bushel of potatoes. Very nice this year.
Effie called. Wondered how I was from my Sun. headache. She’d seen Kim at C.W. parade on Labor Day.
September 7, 1977 – Got up 8:00 Potted Ivy geranium I’d started and 2 starts from white wax begonia put in water to root.
Back felt pretty weak, so Len washed for me, and I hung out – we had two lines of towels and dish towels.
September 8, 1977 – Got up 8:00 When it got dry enough, mowed the grass from around the potato patch and most of it behind the fences.
Picked beans, Len broke them. Ken came over and mowed all the rest of the yard (including the old garden). What a mess he got into.
September 9, 1977 – Got up 8:00 Messed around in patio till Len got up. Did some hand wash, 10 bras and a few blouses, Lens blue shirt and a couple of dresses.
Len fixed a place for the potatoes in the garage. Len cut inlaid linoleum and put on flower table in the green house.
Sent letter to Rosie today. Canned 4 pints green & wax beans.