Me (about age 5, on left) on The Citizens Bank float at the Ashville 4th of July parade in front of Grandpa Archie Stewart’s house on Main Street.  Click to enlarge.

I was really surprised this week that there was no mention of the 4th of July celebration in Ashville – gathering at Grandpa Archie’s for the parade, spending the day together eating, the kids going to the Ashville park for the carnival, the fish fry, and the “big” fireworks at night.  The 4th of July is always such a big deal in Ashville and I remember her being there on and off throughout the years, but maybe this was later on in my childhood.  It just seems to be a perennial memory for me and I somewhat was looking forward to seeing if she did anything “big” to celebrate.  Then again, I guess Len gave her enough excitement with his hospital run!


NOTE:  As always, I left her spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as much as possible.


July 2, 1977 – Got up 7:30  Pulled few weeds from between blocks in pation, and set out a vine. Set out cut offs of Evelyn’s fuschia that repooted for her.

Took bath. Asked Henry to take me to Tarlton to the grocery.

Len worked on the apples I picked up at Johnson. Froze 4 pints apple sauce, one pint to eat with my cottage cheese. Len is so good helping at anything that needs to be done.


July 3, 1977 – Got up 7:30  Transplanted beans in two rows that didn’t come up, two more rows to transplant. Hoed all the beans. Put more grass clippings on the tomatoes.

Thought: “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” – Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, 1884-1962


July 4, 1977 – Got up 9:00  Fed cat – Hoed the popcorn – After breakfast hauled out two cart loads trash we’d dug from flower bed last Friday [the] 1st.

Developed sick headache above the eyes and back of neck last night so won’t do much today.

11:30 Just beat the rain in. Thundering – very cloudy.

Thought: Children are a great comfort in your old age, and they help you reach it faster, too. – Anonymous.


July 5, 1977 – Get up 8:00  Sprayed breezeway with Ortho Garden Spray. Didn’t do the flies much good – They were back in the tree soon as it dried off.

Len spent all the time with cold cloth on his forehead.

2:30  Len getting worse so will have a busy afternoon. No soap operas today.


July 6, 1977 – Got up at 8:30 after one long da and night. Had Len in and out of tub all afternoon yesterday. Wrapped his head in cold towels. He couldn’t rest any place – DIdn’t seem to know what he was doing. He was getting dizzy spells. Tried lying down –

4:00 he started shaking a little. Seven o’clock he was worse – at 8:00 I chanced leaving him to shut the green house & garage –

8:30 I called the Tartlton emergency squad – Tok his blood pressure – gave him oxygen here at the house & on the way to Berger. He was shaking so bad they could hardly get him on the cart. Squad was here in less than 15 min it seemed. Caroline’s friend took me to the hospital. Caroline & kids went with us. The hours seemed endless while we waited. He got oxygen at the hospital. Inserted catheter then used breatholator on him when they took him to XRay. He was so white and shaking violently – Didn’t even seem to know me or just too sick to care! Dr. gave him a shot about midnight – We brought him home. Got home 1:00 A.M. Wed.


July 7, 1977 – Got up 8:00  Took bath and washed hair – got ready to go to Circleville with Mrs. Callahan to get Lens prescription filled and go to the bank and grocery.

It was so hot when we got home I was half sick. Had headache –

Helped Len to garage and turned on the fan Brenda brought over Wed.  Fixed some breakfast food for our lunch and ate out there. The fan was a life saver for Len. He came in for supper but was back in the garage in 10 min. Have ate there again.


July 8, 1977 – Got up 8:00  Cleaned up around lilac bush and cleaned bed by roses, ready to set out mums. Hoed beans in garden and re-planted first two rows. Loaded up wagon of weeds & grass from around lilac bushes.

Breakfast cereal for lunch – I was so tired by [noon] I could have dropped. Hot. Was going to sit in the swing under the back maple tree but bees & beetles here so thick in the cherry bush you couldn’t see the limbs. Had to spray. That took 1/2 hour.

Len tired out from his ordeal of Wed – not much pep.

1977 Diary of Rose Jones – Week 27
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