From The Circleville Herald, Sat, 18 Jun 1977, pg 11, col 2-3.
This week Grandma Rose mentions missing Lawrence Welk because of the thunderstorms they had and I thought I’d try to locate said episode online but it looks like they were in between seasons so it was likely a re-run and I can’t identify which episode it was. Lawrence Welk’s seasons are well documented as to when they originally ran but not when they re-ran. It seems to be pretty discretionary to whatever the local channel wanted to play for re-runs and on June 18th in Central Ohio, I just can’t tell what that was even after reading several newspapers. Anyway, I did find the actual television schedule in the paper which I thought was a nice secondary piece of nostalgia! It shows Lawrence Welk on there at 7 pm on Channel 4 which was NBC, if I remember correctly.
On another note, take a gander at June 20th’s entry and tell me what you think of the “shut up” quotation there. Think they had a bit of a tiff? She waxes on so nicely about Leonard much of the time and talks about how helpful he is, but reading that entry now, I had to pause and reflect a moment on that. Maybe they did have a bit of a go at each other after all?
NOTE: As always, I left her spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as much as possible.
June 18, 1977 – Got up 8:00 Work on back step flower bed. Plants really have lots of long roots and taking over everything. Took up half a dozen plastic walk squares, so I can fill walk with dirt.
Len got up at 9:00 – Had breakfast 9:30 Iron 7 shirts and two dresses. Did Lens foot.
Had quite a storm this eve. Severe thunderstorm warning until 10:00 P.M. Missed Lawrence Welk and all the other programs. Ate, read, and went to bed early.
June 19, 1977 – Got up at 8:00 Worked in flower bed by back step. Digging up all plants and put in new ones. Making walk higher, so water won’t stand when it rains hard. Had to watch “Cat.” Don’t know why, but he acts like he’d jump on me and claw, if I don’t watch him. Maybe he just wants to play; but I don’t trust him. When I try to shoo him away, he lays his ears back and half hisses. Looks mean.
Took a two hour nap before supper. (Did Lens foot)
Graffiti – Good neighbors don’t buy things you can’t afford either.
June 20, 1977 – Got up at 8:00 worked in flower bed by back step. Finished it. Cut more limbs off the cheery bush and cleaned behind it. Hauled two wagon loads dirt for breezeway walk – Got back helf done except to raise one plastic square.
Folded and brought in ironing from garage & Took out more of winter clothes and put moth balls in the bags.
Had a real hard rain this evening. After we ate, I chopped off a few weeds in the garden when I went out to get in the tools and “shut up.” Did Lens foot 4:00 P.M.
Few popcorns are coming through.
June 21, 1977 – Got up 7:30 Wasn’t going to work outside today so I’d be rested up for the trip to Dr. tomorrow. Len and I worked in the garden for a couple hours. Len worked on the mum bed above septic tank for an hour and a half.
Did his foot about four P.M.
Thought: I don’t know whether war is an interlude to peace, or peace is an interlude to war. – George[s] Clemenceau, French Statesman 1841-1929
June 22, 1977 – Got up 7:30 Had coffee on the porch as usual with the cat for company. Got bed made and had Lens clothes laid out before we ate breakfast.
Got to Dr. at 11:20 – Had to wait til 12:30
Had lunch at Steak Plus – Len had steak sandwich and fries, Ralph & Ethel, steak dinner and I had a fish dinner. Stopped by Big Bear for groceries. Almost $35.00 B.B. had chickens .43 lb Got four (the limit). Ethel brought down 3 lb. perch $3.50 Also brought Rutgers 3 stone, and two or three cherry tomato plants for us.
Graffiti – The tongues of the idle never are.
June 23, 1977 – Got up 8:00 Worked in patio before breakfast. Took tools out for Len after we ate – Len dug 4 holes for the tomato plants in the P.M. Len finished around septic tank mum bed before noon.
Rested on newly painted bench under maple tree for a while. Did some hand washing.
Thought – A statesman is a politician who’s been dead ten or fifteen years. – President Truman, 1884-1972
June 24, 1977 – Got up 7:45 Had coffee on patio and re-potted my star cactus to a hanging pot. After breakfast – Took out little wagon with tools and Len dug holes for a few pepper plants. I cleaned up and hauled all the brush I’d cut from the cherry bush – Raked off and hauled away the weeds I chopped from the berry patch Wed. Also two big cart loads of old grass Len pulled & dug from old berry patch last fall.
Len fixed the scythe, sharpened the yard knife and Pop’s sickle for me – Fixed a box for my small cherry tomatoes. I cleaned off shelves near small garage door and around some odds and ends.
Chicken and noodles and fresh green beans for supper.