I was so overjoyed at Kim gifting me one of Leonard’s embroidered roosters last week that I had completely forgotten to mention the short note she included with it – she agrees with me that Grandma “sure was a hard worker… she did more in one day than we do in most weeks.”  And this week is no different!  She and Leonard are still diligently tending to their garden and the flowers.  They certainly are dedicated and with every entry I read, I am amazed by their stamina.  My body would flat give out by noon!

When she wrote about the family reunion this week, I immediately had to go snooping through the paper.  Sometimes you get a group photo or a list of who all attended but no such luck; however, I was happy to find this little blurb that ran a few days beforehand.  On a really random note – I was SO tickled to see the name of her cat finally!

From the Circleville Herald, 10 Jun 1977, p 15, col 1.


NOTE:  As always, I left her spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as much as possible.


June 4, 1977 – Got up 7:15      Transplanted Jeru[salem] cheery tree into pot and put fresh soil on the orange tree. Set out Marys Josephs’ coat plant Ethel gave me. Got breakfast about 9:45.

After Len got dress and made the bed – I took out the hand tools for him and he worked on the big rose bush and flower bed at edge of field.  I spent from 10:30 to noon cleaning his big chair so we could bring it in the house.  After 3 years in the garage it sure was filthy.

Watered my flower bed, beans again getting their 3rd and forth leaves.  Going to loan wheel chair to Caroline for a while. She is having operation on her feet.


June 5, 1977 – Got up 8:30     Worked in patio for an hor or so while waiting for Len to get up.  Took bath and washed my hair.  Piddled around.

Henry and Butch carried in Lens big chair.  Took wheel chair to garage.  Good to see him in his big chair for first time since Aug of 1974.

Brenda came over about 9:00 P.M. and got the wheel chair.  Her mother to come home tomorrow.


June 6, 1977 – Got up 7:30    Debbie and I went to Circleville to bank, drug store and got groceries.  Bought food for reunion picnic Sun 12th.

Caroline came home from the hospital at 11:45 – Just a few minutes before Debbie and I got home.


June 7, 1977 – Got up 8:00    Gathered up all stalks and grass Len dug out of rose bed in front.  Got tools out for Len to work in garden.  Pulled weeds and trash from flower beds in front.

Made three meat loaves.  Froze one for picnic, one for later use, one for supper.


June 8, 1977 – Got up 9:00    Set out fern and 4 purple Wandering Jew in iron kettle by well pit.  Transplanted other fern into gray iron pot.

Debbie went to Nebraska with Vern and family.  Who will take me to the grocery now – I’ll miss her in more ways than one.

Thought – Justice is too good for some people and not good enough for the rest. – Norman Douglas, English writer, 1868-1962


June 9, 1977 – Got up 8:00    Repotted the piggy back plant and three cherry trees.  Emptied wagon load of evergreen limbs I’d cut off trees.  Worked in asparagus bed.  Got it half done.

“Pusskit” broke the base of my bird bath.  Jumping up on it to get a drink of water I guess Or after a bird.

Thought for today: “Without error, there can be no such thing as truth.”  A Chinese saying.


June 10, 1977 – Got up 8:30    Put on coffee water went out fertilized all the house flowers with bone meal.  Helped Len plant two rows of beans one wax, one green in A.M.  Len worked in garden plot – to plant sweet corn in P.M. while I watched my stories and did some hand wash.

Old Baldy the Eagle says: Anticipation is a large part of pleasure.

1977 Diary of Rose Jones – Week 23
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