Seems I was right in my prediction that Leonard should be leaving the hospital soon. Lo and behold, Len did come home this week! I also realize how alike Grandma Rose and I are as, I too, love my “alone time” in the morning when everyone is either still asleep or at work. Sitting on my sun porch with a cup of tea and toast with morning sunlight spilling through the tall windows is just divine.
I also thought of her this past weekend when I went to Lowes for a set of dowel rods and ended up with a $50 lilac bush, two pots of curly ornamental grasses, purple cosmos, and some pink asters that I hadn’t planned on getting AT ALL. I don’t know when I transitioned into a plant lady but I surely get it honest between my grandparents and my father!
NOTE: As always, I left her spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as much as possible.
April 23, 1977 – Ralph, Ef, and I brought Len home from Mercy Hospital – He sure was glad to get home. Had a long wait at the drugstore to get the prescriptions – Revco only had one – get the other two filled at Bingmans.
Had sandwiches while we waited.
Thought – by the time most of have money to burn, our pilot light has gone out.
April 24, 1977 – Slept late this morning. Didn’t do very much today. Put away some clothes from the suit cases. House a mess, clothes everywhere. But good to be home.
Took 1/2 hr nap before supper. Len was glad to get home again.
Thought – Nothing is really work unless you would be doing something else. – James Barrie, Scottish writer 1860-1937
April 25, 1977 – Len can’t do much – Foot mighty sore. It will [be] a while before he will do much outside. But I have plenty to keep me busy and he will no doubt sleep later in the morning since he can’t get around so well.
April 26, 1977 – Watered flowers in greenhouse. Cut ornamental grass and raked it up. Pump off again.
Brenda got us bread and ground beef today. Made two meatloaves to freeze.
Put the ornamental grass in strawberry bed.
Said the father to the son, “Why do you get such low grades in school? Robert across the street gets A and B grades.” “Yes,” said the boy, “but it’s different with him, he has bright parents.”
April 27, 1977 – Raked and picked up old grape vines I’d cut off in March. Trimmed suckers off maple tree on bank. Took pictures of creeping phlox. Worked on rocks in patio for half an hour. Transplanted a few violas in the flower bed and boxed up some for Rosie and Carol.
Finished the verse on my amaryllis picture.
Pump off again. Pushed button and got enough water to fill the 5 gallon buckets again.
The trouble with my walk of life is, that I have to shovel it.
28° 87°
April 28, 1977 – Got up 8:10 this morning. Worked on wall of flower bed for half an hour before Len got up. Not enough water to wash etc. Embroidered flowers on my amaryllis picture.
Carter came and put in new relay switch til he can put in new tank. Awfully rainy yet today. Will come later and put in new tank.
Dampened down pillow cases + clothes Ethel washed.
April 29, 1977 – Washed 4 cabinet doors and two small ones while waiting for Len to get up. Ironed seven pillow cases + few other items. Put rest in reefer.
Too muddy to work on patio but did have coffee on the porch this morning. I love the quiet in the early morning about time for the sun to come up… Peaceful!