On April 12th, Grandma Rose will mention going to the Wagnalls Memorial Garden in Lithopolis – did you know you can still go there and walk in her footsteps? You sure can and from the looks of it, it’s as gorgeous as she described complete with daffodils still! They have an Instagram page here and all sorts of programs listed on their website. Might be a nice little jaunt over there this summer to spend some time remembering her and her life.
NOTE: As always, I left her spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as much as possible.
April 9, 1977 – After Ralph went to work, Ethel and I went to the nursery at Groveport. I got top soil, Root tone – weather wheel flower for me and Rosie for Easter.
Gave Ethel money for doing the wash and she got herself a bush for the yard. ($10.00)
Call Len about 1:45 – Dr. drained and dressed his foot today. Very painful he said. Really rough. Dr. took out the drain wick, cleaned wound and put in new wick.
April 10, 1977 – Ethel and Ralph slept in this morning. Seems all we do is eat. Poor Ef always cooking.
Took a two hr. nap this afternoon to rest my back.
Rosie and Kim came up and they, Ralph, Ethel and I met Kim’s friend Susan at the Red Lobster and we had a sea food supper. Sure was delicious – Very relaxing evening.
Stopped by to see Len for a little while on the way home. He was very groggy and sleepy. Was sound asleep when we got there. Took him the Easter egg basket from Rosie.
Said: a sense of humor is better than no sense at all.
80° High
April 11, 1977 – (Kim stopped by to see Len in evening) 8:00 P.M. He was asleep and she didn’t want to wake him so she left him a beautiful potted impatient plant with a note. I didn’t get in to see him today but did call him.
Ethel and I worked in the flower bed a little while and she set out the shrub she bought with the wash money.
Called Olive this evening.
April 12, 1977 – Ef and I went to the grocery at Bay’s (Lithopolis).
Spent half an hour or more at Wagnalls Memorial Gardens looking at the tulips, daffodils, the rock garden with the bridge over the stream.
Called Len, he’s still sleepy and groggy.
Went to see Pearl then stopped to see Len for about an hour in the evening. Pearl gave me the Camelia plant Sister Rose had given her for Easter. It was all wilted and she didn’t know what to do with it.
April 13, 1977 – Set out some flower starts for me and Ef. Mary had sent Ef three starts of Josephs coats that were rooted. Potted those and some green foilage plants Ethel had started for me.
Ef and I went to the Post Office for stamps, then out to see Penny and Charity for an hour or so. Penny not feeling too well. He started his cobalt treatments a few weeks ago and they make him weak and shaky. Charity still using the walker. Her foot still bothering her. They seemed glad to see us. Penny said it helped pass the time.
Called Len little after five. Still very sleepy and groggy. Don’t know just when Len will get home.
Laugh: Your cough sounds better today. “It ought to. I got a lot of practice last night.”
April 14, 1977 – Went to see Len about 4:00. Stayed half an hour or so.
Called Ollie. She’s pretty good. Ralph had to go to work in the evening. Ef had hamburgers and bean salad for supper. Wrote to David and Susan H.
April 14, 1932 45 years ago today, George Jones (paternal grandfather) was seriously injured in a gas explosion in the unfinished State Office Building (Front Street). 49 others were injured and 11 killed. Seems he was blown thru plate glass window onto the street. Have to ask Aunt May. Grandpa never the same. [Jill’s note here: CONFIRMED! It’s the Thomas J Moyer Ohio Judicial Center at 65 S. Front Street and at first, they thought it was sabotage and the FBI got involved, etc. Our grandfather George Jones worked as a painter and wallpaper hanger so it would make sense he was there. He appears in the newspaper on the admission list to the local hospital with lacerations. but more on this later in a longer, bigger post with photos!]
April 15, 1977 – Messed around today. Ralph took us to The Hill to bring home the [unreadable word] Ef had done for me. I watered the flowers. Ethel picked the asparagus, Ralph turned off the gas tank that was smelling bad.
The flowers are beautiful, red and purple tulips, creeping phlox, spice bush so fragrant mixed with the scent of lilacs. Flowering almond weighted down with rose-like blossoms.